Sunday, April 20, 2014


Greetings in the name of Christ Jesus, Lord and King of the Church of God; and welcome to Achtung-Puritaner! You may call me “Der Luchs.” (That’s German for “The Lynx.”)

I created Achtung-Puritaner! because I love the piety and the theology of the Puritans, and I wanted there to be an education resource available to common people that they could use to learn more about the Puritans and their writings.

Mostly, Achtung-Puritaner! is about not just the English Puritans (e.g., Jeremiah Burroughs, Thomas Goodwin), but also about all the spin-off movements to which the English contributed, such as American Puritanism (e.g., Jonathan Edwards, Cotton Mather), the Dutch Nadere Reformatie (e.g., Wilhelmus à Brakel, Gisbertus Voetius), the Covenanters (e.g., Samuel Rutherford, George Gillespie), and German Reformed Pietism (e.g., Theodor Untereyck, Joachim Neander).

Occasionally I will sidetrack from this theme to review the writings of the early Reformers (e.g. Calvin, Knox, Bucer, Bullinger, Lasco, and Ursinus). Occasionally I will be explaining how some of the Puritans’ views relate to contemporary debates within the Presbyterian and Reformed community (e.g. High Church Calvinism, Two-Kingdom theology). And occasionally I will give mini-tutorials on how to read historical theological print.

However, the overarching theme of Achtung-Puritaner! is the Further Reformation to which the Puritans called us—pressing toward the goal of a Church that is not just Reformed in name, but in heart.

Gott schenk’ euch Stärke für die Schlacht!—God give you strength for the battle!

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